1好天好天hou2 tin1good weather
2今日好好天今日好好天gam1 jat6 hou2 hou2 tin1It’s a good weather today
3出太阳出太陽ceot1 taai3 joeng4sunny
4今日终于出太阳喇!今日終於出太陽喇!gam1 jat6 zung1 jyu1 ceot1 taai3 joeng4 laa3!Finally,it’s sunny today.
5晒太阳曬太陽saai3 taai3 joeng4sunbathe
6我好怕晒黑架!我好怕曬黑架!ngo5 hou2 paa3 saai3 haak1 gaa3!I fear of getting tanned
7阴天陰天jam1 tin1cloudy
8今日阴天,唔可以晒被今日陰天,唔可以曬被gam1 jat6 jam1 tin1, m4 ho2 ji5 saai3 pei5Today is cloudy. We can’t hang quilts
9落雨落雨lok6 jyu5rain
11今朝落雨,记得带遮呀!今朝落雨,記得帶遮呀!gam1 ziu1 lok6 jyu5, gei3 dak1 daai3 ze1 aa3!It’s rainy this morning. Remember to bring umbrella
12落雪落雪lok6 syut3snow
13出面落雪呀!出面落雪呀!ceot1 min6 lok6 syut3 aa3!It’s snowy outsides
14堆雪人堆雪人deoi1 syut3 jan4build a snowman
15我哋一齐出去堆雪人啰!我哋一齊出去堆雪人囖!ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 ceot1 heoi3 deoi1 syut3 jan4 lo3Let’s go out and build a snowman together.
17今日好冻呀!我要着多几件衫今日好凍呀!我要著多幾件衫gam1 jat6 hou2 dung3 aa3! ngo5 jiu3 zoek3 do1  gei2 gin6 saam1Today is very cold. I have to wear more clothes
19今日比寻日暖今日比尋日暖gam1 jat6 bei2 cam4 jat6 nyun5Today is warmer than yesterday
20暖气暖氣nyun5 hei3heater
21呢度嘅冬天冇暖气架!呢度嘅冬天冇暖氣架!ni1 dou6 ge3 dung1 tin1 mou5 nyun5 hei3 gaa3!There is no heater here in Winter
22天文台天文臺tin1 man4 toi4observatory
23打风打風daa2 fung1blow a gale
24天文台话听日打风天文臺話聽日打風tin1 man4 toi4 waa6 ting1 jat6 daa2 fung1The Observatory says there is a typhoon tomorrow
25八号风球八號風球baat3 hou6 fung1 kau4The Typhoon No. 8 signal 
26天文台而家挂八号风球,请大家留喺屋企天文臺而家掛八號風球,請大家留喺屋企tin1 man4 toi4 ji4 gaa1 gwaa3 baat3 hou6 fung1 kau4, cing2 daai6 gaa1 lau4 hai2 uk1 kei2The Typhoon No. 8 signal has been hoisted. Please stay at home.
1阿爸、老窦阿爸、老竇aa3 baa4, lou5 dau6father(colloquial)
2阿妈、老母阿媽、老母aa3 maa1, lou5 mou5mother(colloquial)
3爷爷爺爺je4 je2grandpa(dad’s dad)
4嫲嫲嫲嫲maa4 maa4grandma(dad’s mom)
5公公公公gung4 gung1grandpa(mom’s dad)
6婆婆婆婆po4 po2grandma(mom’s mom)
7兄弟姊妹兄弟姊妹hing1 dai6 zi2 mui6siblings
8你有几多个兄弟姊妹呀?你有幾多個兄弟姊妹呀?nei5 jau5 gei2 do1 go3 hing1 dai6 zi2 mui6 aa3?How many siblings do you have?
9阿哥、大佬阿哥、大佬aa3 go1, daai6 lou2elder brother
10细佬細佬sai3 lou2little brother
11家姐家姐gaa1 ze1elder sister
12阿妹阿妹aa3 mui2little sister
13我有一个大佬、一个家姐同一个妹我有一個大佬、一個家姐同一個妹ngo5 jau5 jat1 go3 daai6 lou2, jat1 go3 gaa1 ze1 tung4 jat1 go3 mui2I have a big brother, a big sister and a little sister
14你同你啲屋企人一齐住呀?你同你啲屋企人一齊住呀?nei5 tung4 nei5 di1 uk1 kei5 jan4 jat1 cai4 zyu6 aa3?Do you live with your family?
15唔係,我搬咗出嚟喇,而家我自己一个人住唔係,我搬咗出嚟喇,而家我自己一個人住m4 hai6, ngo5 bun1 zo2 ceot1 lai4 laa3, ji4 gaa1 ngo5 zi6 gei2 jat1 go3 jan4 zyu6I’ve moved out already. Now I live alone.
16年纪大年紀大nin4 gei2 daai6in old age
17照顾照顧ziu3 gu3take care of
18我阿爸阿妈年纪比较大喇,我要照顾佢哋我阿爸阿媽年紀比較大喇,我要照顧佢哋ngo5 aa3 baa4 aa3 maa1 nin4 gei2 bei2 gaau3 daai6 laa3, ngo5 jiu3 ziu3 gu3 keoi5 dei6My parents are quite old. I need to take care of them
20得闲记得去探你嘅爷爷嫲嫲得閑記得去探你嘅爺爺嫲嫲dak1 haan4 gei3 dak1 heoi3 taam3 nei5 ge3 je4 je2 maa4 maa4Remember to visit your grandparents (dad’s side) when you are free.
21咁好嚟探我呀?咁好嚟探我呀?gam3 hou2 lai4 taam3 ngo5 aa3?You are so nice to visit me!
22係呀!今日得闲就嚟探你。係呀!今日得閑就嚟探你。hai6 aa3! gam1 jat6 dak1 haan4 zau6 lai4 taam3 nei5.Yes, I am free today so I come to visit you 
23下次再嚟探你下次再嚟探你haa6 ci3 zoi3 lai4 taam3 nei5Visit you next time.
24亲戚親戚can1 cik1relatives
25我有啲亲戚喺广州我有啲親戚喺廣州ngo5 jau5 di1 can1 cik1 hai2 gwong2 zau1I have some relatives in Guangzhou
1结婚結婚git3 fan1marry
2离婚離婚lei4 fan1divorce
3单身單身daan1 san1single
4你结婚咗未呀?你結婚咗未呀?nei5 git3 fan1 zo2 mei6 aa3?Are you married?
5唔好意思,我仲单身。唔好意思,我仲單身。m4 hou2 ji3 si3, ngo5 zung6 daan1 san1.Sorry, I am still single
6搵男朋友/搵女朋友搵男朋友/搵女朋友wan2 naam4 pang4 jau5/ wan2 neoi5 pang4 jau5find a boyfriend/ find a girlfriend
7咁你快啲搵个男朋友喇!咁你快啲搵個男朋友喇!gam2 nei5 faai3 di1 wan2 go3 naam4 pang4 jau5 laa3!Then find a boyfriend quickly!
8相睇相睇soeng1 tai2blind date
9我屋企人安排我去相睇我屋企人安排我去相睇ngo5 uk1 kei5 jan4 on1 paai4 ngo5 heoi3 soeng1 tai2My parents set me up a blind date
10见家长見家長gin3 gaa1 zoeng2to meet the parents
11gaa3marry for a girl
12ceoi2marry for a guy
13可唔可以嫁畀我呀?可唔可以嫁畀我呀?ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 gaa3 bei2 ngo5 aa3?Could you marry me?
14祝你百年好合祝你百年好合zuk1 nei5 baak3 nin4 hou2 hap6Wishing you a long and happy marriage.
15祝你早生贵子祝你早生貴子zuk1 nei5 zou2 saang1 gwai3 zi2I look forward to hearing the patter of tiny feet.
16生小朋友生小朋友saang1 siu2 pang4 jau5have a baby
17几时生小朋友呀?幾時生小朋友呀?gei2 si4 saang1 siu2 pang4 jau5 aa3?When do you (plan to) have a baby?
18大肚大肚daai6 tou5(to be) pregnant
19大肚婆大肚婆daai6 tou5 po2pregnant lady
20我有咗呀!我有咗呀!ngo5 jau5 zo2 aa3!I am pregnant
21生仔/生女生仔/生女saang1 zai2/ saang1 neoi5give birth to a son/ a daughter
22我生咗个仔呀!我生咗個仔呀!ngo5 saang1 zo2 go3 zai2 aa3!I gave birth to a son.
23返外家返外家faan1 ngoi6 gaa1to return to the bride’s home
24我哋过年一齐返外家我哋過年一齊返外家ngo5 dei6 gwo3 nin4 jat1 cai4 faan1 ngoi6 gaa1We return to my wife’s home together during Chinese new year.
25嗌交嗌交、争交aai3 gaau1, zaang1 gaau1to quarrel
26婚外情婚外情fan1 ngoi6 cing4have an affair
1返工返工faan1 gung1go to work
2收工收工sau1 gung1finish work
3打卡/拍卡打卡/拍卡daa2 kaa1/ paak3 kaa1 punch in 
4迟到遲到ci4 dou3be late
5今朝迟到,唔记得打卡。今朝遲到,唔記得打卡。gam1 ziu1 ci4 dou3, m4 gei3 dak1 daa2 kaa1.I was late this morning. I forgot to punch in
6老世老世lou5 sai3boss
7同事同事tung4 si6coworker
8老世份人好好!老世份人好好!lou5 sai3 fan6 jan4 hou2 hou2!The boss is very nice
9文件文件man4 gin2file
10签名簽名cim1 meng2signature
11喺呢份文件签个名喺呢份文件簽個名hai2 ni1 fan6 man4 gin2 cim1 go3 meng2Please sign your name on this file
12复印/影印複印/影印fuk1 jan3/ jing2 jan3copy
13帮我攞呢份文件去影印一百份幫我攞呢份文件去影印一百份bong1 ngo5 lo2 ni1 fan6 man4 gin2 heoi3 jing2 jan3 jat1 baak3 fan6Please help me take this file to copy and make it 100.
14打印打印lit6 jan3print
15见客見客gin3 haak3meet the clients 
16晏昼我要出去见客晏晝我要出去見客aan3 zau3 ngo5 jiu3 ceot1 heoi3 gin3 haak3I need to go out to meet the clients this afternoon
17合约合約hap6 joek3contract
18你要睇清楚呢份合约先至签字你要睇清楚呢份合約先至簽字nei5 jiu3 tai2 cing1 co2 ni1 fan6 hap6 joek3 sin1 zi3 cim1 zi2Don’t sign the contract until you take a look at it
19开会開會hoi1 wui2have a meeting
20会议室會議室wui6 ji5 sat1conference room
21我哋开咗成个钟头嘅会。我哋開咗成個鐘頭嘅會。ngo5 dei6 hoi1 zo2 sing4 go3 zung1 tau4 ge3 wui2We had a meeting for an hour
22食晏食晏sik6 aan3have lunch
23倾生意傾生意king1 saang1 ji3negotiate a business deal
24我今日倾成咗单大生意我今日傾成咗單大生意ngo5 gam1 jat6 king1 sing4 zo2 daan1 daai6 saang1 ji3I have made a big deal today.
25加班加班gaa1 baan1work overtime
26今晚又要加班喇!今晚又要加班喇!gam1 maan5 jau6 jiu3 gaa1 baan1 laa3!Tonight I need to work overtime again.
27出粮出糧ceot1 loeng4get paid
28仲有两日就出粮喇!仲有兩日就出糧喇!zung6 jau5 loeng5 jat6 zau6 ceot1 loeng4 laa3!There are two more days to get paid
29加人工加人工gaa1 jan4 gung1give a raise
30减人工減人工gaam2 jan4 gung1cut sb’s pay
31扣人工扣人工kau3 jan4 gung1dock sb’s pay
32老世,可唔可以加啲人工呀?老世,可唔可以加啲人工呀?lou5 sai3, ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 gaa1 di1 jan4 gung1 aa3?Boss, could you give me a raise?
33炒鱿鱼炒魷魚caau2 jau4 jyu2get fired
34老世炒咗佢鱿鱼老世炒咗佢魷魚lou5 sai3 caau2 zo2 keoi5 jau4 jyu2He got fired by boss
See a doctor
1健康健康gin6 hong1healthy/health
2你见边度唔舒服呀?你見邊度唔舒服呀?nei5 gin3 bin1 dou6 m4 syu1 fuk6 aa3?Which part do you feel unwell?
3肚痛肚痛tou5 tung3stomachache
4头痛頭痛tau4 tung3headache
5我有啲头痛。我有啲頭痛。ngo5 jau5 di1 tau4 tung3.I feel a little bit headache
6头晕頭暈tau4 wan4dizzy
7头赤頭赤tau4 cek3headache
8作呕作嘔zok3 au2feel like vomiting
9我今朝起身有啲作呕作闷我今朝起身有啲作嘔作悶ngo5 gam1 ziu1 hei2 san1 jau5 di1 zok3 au2 zok3 mun6I feel like vomiting with a tight chest after I woke up this morning 
10肚痾肚痾tou5 o1diarrhea
11我食错嘢,痾咗成日。我食錯嘢,痾咗成日。ngo5 sik6 co3 je5, o1 zo2 sing4 jat6.I ate something wrong and I had a diarrhea the whole day
12量血压量血壓loeng4 hyut3 aat3take blood pressure
13你啲血压有啲高你啲血壓有啲高nei5 di1 hyut3 aat3 jau5 di1 gou1Your blood pressure is a little bit high
14你啲血压有啲低你啲血壓有啲低nei5 di1 hyut3 aat3 jau5 di1 dai1Your blood pressure is a little bit low
15高血压高血壓gou1 hyut3 aat3high blood pressure
17我块面好痕我塊面好痕ngo5 faai3 min6 hou2 han4My face is very itchy.
18流鼻水流鼻水lau4 bei6 seoi2have a running nose
19鼻敏感鼻敏感bei6 man5 gam2allergic rhinitis
20过敏過敏gwo3 man5allergic
21你有冇药物过敏架?你有冇藥物過敏架?nei5 jau5 mou5 joek6 mat6 gwo3 man5 gaa3?do you have drug allergies?
22我对猫毛过敏架!我對貓毛過敏架!ngo5 deoi3 maau1 mou4 gwo3 man5 gaa3!I am allergic to the fur of cats 
23发烧發燒faat3 siu1have a fever
24你有啲发烧,饮多啲水呀!你有啲發燒,飲多啲水呀!nei5 jau5 di1 faat3 siu1, jam2 do1 di1 seoi2 aa3!You have a little bit fever. You need to drink more water
25打针打針daa2 zam1give a shot
26骨折骨折gwat1 zit3fracture
27佢只手指断咗呀!佢只手指斷咗呀!keoi5 zi2 sau2 zi2 tyun5 zo2 aa3!His finger is broken
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