1.嬲 [nau1] to be mad


If you learn a little bit Chinese, you may know that 男 is male and 女 is female.

For this character, we could find that there are a woman between two men. It’s like a girl cheating, right? If this happens, they must be mad.

So to be mad, 嬲 for example:


a. 佢唔记得咗我嘅生日,我而家好嬲吖!

[keoi5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 ngo5 ge3 saang1 jat6 aa1, ngo5 ji4 gaa1 hou3 nau1 aa1]

He doesn’t remember my birthday. I am so mad now.

b. 咪嬲喇!我听日陪你喇

[mai5 nau1 laa1! ngo5 ting1 jat6 pui4 nei5 laa3!]

Please don’t be mad. I will be with you tomorrow.

c. 我最嬲嘅係你呃我。

[ngo5 zeoi3 nau1 ge3 hai6 nei5 aak1 ngo5]

What made me the most angry is that you lied to me.


2.丢架 to lost face; feel embarrassed; be ashamed

For example, if I bring my friend to a party, then he gets drunk and says lots of inapporiate words. I could say:

[keoi5 diu1 saai3 ngo5 ge3 gaa3 aa3]

a. 佢丢晒我嘅架。

He embarrassed me.

zoek3 leng3 di1 aa3, mai5 diu1 ngo5 gaa3 aa3!

b. 着靓啲呀,咪丢我架呀!

Dress up and don’t make me look bad.

What’s more, there are other expressions with similar meanings too.

冇面[mou2 min2] literally means “no face” and here means losing face.

ngo5 bong1 nei5 bong2 haai4 daai2 ge3 waa6, ngo5 wui5 hou2 mou2 min2 gaa3!


If I help you lace up your shoes, then I will lose my face.

The other one is 失礼[sat1 lai5]。it literally means losing the politeness/manner. For example, if my bf does’t introduce me to his friends, then I could say,

ji4 gaa1 ngo5 hou2 sat1 lai5 nei5 me1

d. 而家我好失礼你咩?

Do I make you look bad now? (Why you don’t show me to your friends?)

失礼 could be used when you accidentally say an inapporiate word. You could say,


Sorry for my rudeness.

and when you show your talent and others praise your talent, you could be modest and say, 失礼啦.



3. 人工[jan4 gung1] salary


a. nei5 ( ge3) jan4 gung1 gei2 do1 aa3


How much is your salary?

high salary

人工高 [jan4 gung1 gou1]

low salary

人工低 [jan4 gung1 dai1]

go3 go3 jan4 dou1 soeng2 wan2 fan6 jan4 gung1 gou1 ge3 gung1.


Every one wants to find a job with high salary.

b.zou6 lou5 si1 jan4 gung1 hou2 dai1 aa3


The salary for a teacher is low.

If you have a job interview and would like to know the salary, then just ask,

c. nei1 fan6 gung1 gei2 do1 cin2 jan4 gung1 aa1?


How much is this job position’s salary?

d. ngo5 jat1 sau1 dou2 jan4 gung1, zau6 bei2 di1 cin2 ngo5 de1 di4 maa1 mi4.


Once when I get my salary, I will give my parents some money.



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-Passionate Teacher with 8 Years of Experience in Teaching Mandarin, Cantonese, English
-Worked in International Schools of  Thailand and China for 3 Years
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