咁前排 我 做咗 屈光手術(矯視手術) gam2 cin4 paai2  ngo5  zou6 zo2  wat1 gwong1 sau2 seot6( giu2 si6 sau2 seot6) recently I had refractive surgery (orthopedic surgery)
所以近排我都唔可以化妝同埋對太多電腦嘅。 so2 ji5 gan6 paai2 ngo5 dou1 m4 ho2 ji5 faa3 zong1 tung4 maai4 deoi3 taai3 do1 din6 nou5 ge3. So lately I haven’t been able to put on makeup and on too many computers.
不過我已經恢復咗上堂架喇! bat1 gwo3 ngo5 ji5 ging1 fui1 fuk6 zo2 soeng5 tong4 gaa3 laa3! but I have resumed my class already.
如果你想同我上堂嘅話,記得聯繫我! jyu4 gwo2 nei5 soeng2 tung4 ngo5 soeng5 tong4 ge3 waa6, gei3 dak1 lyun4 hai6 ngo5! If you want to have class with me, remember to contact me.
咁今日我想同大家分享下,我喺廣東做呢個手術嘅經歷 gam2 gam1 jat6 ngo5 soeng2 tung4 daai6 gaa1 fan1 hoeng2 haa6, ngo5 hai2 gwong2 dung1 zou6 ni1 go3 sau2 seot6 ge3 ging1 lik6 So today I would like to share my experience of the surgery that I have done in Guangdong
分享嘅同時,我會將啲Keywords擺下隔籬架喇! fan1 hoeng2 ge3 tung4 si4, ngo5 wui5 zoeng1 di1Keywords baai2 haa6 gaak3 lei4 gaa3 laa3! I will put the keywords next to it at the same time
咁你可以自己做筆記 gam2 nei5 ho2 ji5 zi6 gei2 zou6 bat1 gei3 Then you can take notes by yourself
其實有公立醫院同私立醫院嘅。 kei4 sat6 jau5 gung1 laap6 ji1 jyun2 tung4 si1 laap6 ji1 jyun2 ge3. In fact, there are public hospitals and private hospitals.
我呢度有一間公立醫院 ngo5 ni1 dou6 jau5 jat1 gaan1 gung1 laap6 ji1 jyun2 There is a public hospital here
佢啱啱可以接受做呢種手術 keoi5 ngaam1 ngaam1 ho2 ji5 zip3 sau6 zou6 ni1 zung2 sau2 seot6 It has just been able to undergo this kind of surgery
不過我嫌佢哋服務態度太差啦! bat1 gwo3 ngo5 jim4 keoi5 dei6 fuk6 mou6 taai3 dou6 taai3 caa1 laa1! But I think they give bad service.
所以我冇揀呢間醫院 so2 ji5 ngo5 mou5 gaan2 ni1 gaan1 ji1 jyun2 So I didn’t choose this hospital
咁我就決定揀一間私立醫院 gam2 ngo5 zau6 kyut3 ding6 gaan2 jat1 gaan1 si1 laap6 ji1 jyun2  Then I decided to choose a private hospital
呢間醫院喺國內都比較出名嘅 ni1 gaan1 ji1 jyun2 hai2 gwok3 noi6 dou1 bei2 gaau3 ceot1 meng2 ge3 This hospital is famous in China
同埋我家姐前排都已經喺呢間醫院做過架喇! tung4 maai4 ngo5 gaa1 ze1 cin4 paai2 dou1 ji5 ging1 hai2 ni1 gaan1 ji1 jyun2 zou6 gwo3 gaa3 laa3! and my sister has done that one at this hospital!
喺呢度一般人都會揀去佛山或者去廣州做手術 hai2 ni1 dou6 jat1 bun1 jan4 dou1 wui5 gaan2 heoi3 fat6 saan1 waak6 ze2 heoi3 gwong2 zau1 zou6 sau2 seot6 Here normally people will choose to go to Foshan or Guangzhou for surgery
我冇選擇去呢兩個地方 ngo5 mou5 syun2 zaak6 heoi3 ni1 loeng5 go3 dei6 fong1 I didn’t choose to go to these two places
係因為手術完之後,你要定期去複查嘅。 hai6 jan1 wai6 sau2 seot6 jyun4 zi1 hau6, nei5 jiu3 ding6 kei4 heoi3 fuk1 caa4 ge3. because after the operation, you have to check it regularly.
我冇咁多時間成日去佛山或者去廣州 ngo5 mou5 gam3 do1 si4 gaan3 sing4 jat6 heoi3 fat6 saan1 waak6 ze2 heoi3 gwong2 zau1 I don’t have much time to go to Foshan or Guangzhou often
所以我就揀呢間醫院。 so2 ji5 ngo5 zau6 gaan2 ni1 gaan1 ji1 jyun2. So I chose this hospital.
揀好醫院之後,就要去呢間醫院做檢查 gaan2 hou2 ji1 jyun2 zi1 hau6, zau6 jiu3 heoi3 ni1 gaan1 ji1 jyun2 zou6 gim2 caa4 After choosing the hospital, I  have to go to this hospital for a check-up
檢查一般都係免費嘅 gim2 caa4 jat1 bun1 dou1 hai6 min5 fai3 ge3 Checkup is usually free
主要佢要檢查你嘅眼角膜夠唔夠厚 zyu2 jiu3 keoi5 jiu3 gim2 caa4 nei5 ge3 ngaan5 gok3 mok2 gau3 m4 gau3 hau5 Mainly they need to check if your cornea is thick enough
適合做邊種手術  sik1 hap6 zou6 bin1 zung2 sau2 seot6  What kind of surgery is suitable 
同埋佢要睇下你對眼有冇問題 tung4 maai4 keoi5 jiu3 tai2 haa5 nei5 deoi3 ngaan5 jau5 mou5 man6 tai4 And they need to check if you have any problems with your eyes
舊年我去檢查嗰陣,我嘅報告係冇問題嘅 gau6 nin2 ngo5 heoi3 gim2 caa4 go2 zan6, ngo5 ge3 bou3 gou3 hai6 mou5 man6 tai4 ge3 When I had checkup last year, my report was fine
但係今年七月份檢查嗰陣, daan6 hai6 gam1 nin4 cat1 jyut6 fan6 gim2 caa4 go2 zan6, But when I had it again in July,
佢話我隻眼嘅眼底嗰度有一個窿仔 keoi5 waa6 ngo5 zek3 ngaan5 ge3 ngaan5 dai2 go2 dou6 jau5 jat1 go3 lung1 zai2 He said there was only a small hole in the bottom of my eye
我查過,呢個叫做視網膜裂孔 ngo5 caa4 gwo3, ni1 go3 giu3 zou6 si6 mong5 mok6 lit6 hung2 I checked it out, it’s called a retinal hole
如果我哋唔理佢嘅話, jyu4 gwo2 ngo5 dei6 m4 lei5 keoi5 ge3 waa2, If we ignore it,
佢可能會導致後來越嚟越多窿 keoi5 ho2 nang4 wui5 dou6 zi3 hau6 loi4 jyut6 lai4 jyut6 do1 lung1 It may cause more and more holes later
到最後你可能會盲 dou3 zeoi3 hau6 nei5 ho2 nang4 wui5 maang4 In the end, you may be blind
所以我當時即刻做咗個激光 so2 ji5 ngo5 dong1 si4 zik1 hak1 zou6 zo2 go3 gik1 gwong1 So I did a laser operation right away
激光唔痛但係我嘅心好痛 gik1 gwong1 m4 tung3 daan6 hai6 ngo5 ge3 sam1 hou2 tung3 Laser was not painful but my heart got hurt
因為有啲貴喇! jan1 wai6 jau5 di1 gwai3 laa3! Because it’s a little expensive!
所以我建議有高度近視嘅朋友, so2 ji5 ngo5 gin3 ji5 jau5 gou1 dou6 gan6 si6 ge3 pang4 jau5, So I suggest that friends with serious myopia,
你哋記得定期去檢查你哋對眼呀! nei5 dei6 gei3 dak1 ding6 kei4 heoi3 gim2 caa4 nei5 dei6 deoi3 ngaan5 aa3!  remember to check your eyes regularly!
市面上有 三種唔同嘅手術 si5 min6 soeng6 jau5  saam1 zung2 m4 tung4 ge3 sau2 seot6 There are three different operations on the market
半飛秒實質就係傷口大啲 bun3 fei1 miu5 sat6 zat1 zau6 hai6 soeng1 hau2 daai6 di1 LASIK will cause a bigger wound actually
但係佢比較準確啲 daan6 hai6 keoi5 bei2 gaau3 zeon2 kok3 di1 But it’s more accurate
好似我哋呢啲其實做邊種都OK 嘅 hou2 ci5 ngo5 dei6 ni1 di1 kei4 sat6 zou6 bin1 zung2 dou1OK  ge3 Everything is suitable for people like us
最緊要係睇下你對眼適唔適合 zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 hai6 tai2 haa5 nei5 deoi3 ngaan5 sik1 m4 sik1 hap6 The most important thing is whether it’s suitable for your eyes
如果你唔放心嘅話, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 m4 fong3 sam1 ge3 waa6, If you’re worried,
你可以做ICL嘅晶體手術 nei5 ho2 ji5 zou6 ICL ge3 zing1 tai2 sau2 seot6 You can do ICL surgery (Implantable collamer lens)
佢類似將一對con放喺我哋對眼度 keoi5 leoi6 ci5 zoeng1 jat1 deoi3con fong3 hai2 ngo5 dei6 deoi3 ngaan5 dou6 They seem to put a pair of contacts in our eyes
以後手術更加先進嘅話, ji5 hau6 sau2 seot6 gang1 gaa1 sin1 zeon3 ge3 waa6, Once when the surgery will be more advanced,
我哋就可以攞出嚟 ngo5 dei6 zau6 ho2 ji5 lo2 ceot1 lai4 We can just take it out
而全飛秒同半飛秒基本上係永久性嘅手術 ji4 cyun4 fei1 miu5 tung4 bun3 fei1 miu5 gei1 bun2 soeng6 hai6 wing5 gau2 sing3 ge3 sau2 seot6 And SMILE and LASIK are basically permanent operations
如果你對眼嘅厚度係適合嘅, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 deoi3 ngaan5 ge3 hau5 dou6 hai6 sik1 hap6 ge3, If your eyes’ thickness is suitable,
我建議你揀一個適合自己嘅 ngo5 gin3 ji5 nei5 gaan2 jat1 go3 sik1 hap6 zi6 gei2 ge3 I suggest you choose one that suits you
同埋最平嘅 tung4 maai4 zeoi3 peng4 ge3 and the cheapest one
我問過價錢 ngo5 man6 gwo3 gaa3 cin4 I have asked for the price
半飛秒都有分兩種,普通半飛秒同個性化半飛秒 bun3 fei1 miu5 dou1 jau5 fan1 loeng5 zung2, pou2 tung1 bun3 fei1 miu5 tung4 go3 sing3 faa3 bun3 fei1 miu5 LASIK has two kinds of surgery, normal one and customized one
根據你對眼嘅特殊情況而幫你作調整 gan1 geoi3 nei5 deoi3 ngaan5 ge3 dak6 syu4 cing4 fong3 ji4 bong1 nei5 zok3 tiu4 zing2 the customized one helps you make adjustments according to your special condition.
咁一般如果你散光好高嘅話,就建議你做嗰個手術 gam2 jat1 bun1 jyu4 gwo2 nei5 saan2 gwong1 hou2 gou1 ge3 waa6, zau6 gin3 ji5 nei5 zou6 go2 go3 sau2 seot6 Then generally if you have serious astigmatism ,I recommend you to do that surgery
我嘅度數係600幾度嘅近視,加百幾度嘅散光 ngo5 ge3 dou6 sou3 hai6 600 gei2 dou6 ge3 gan6 si6, gaa1 baak3 gei2 dou6 ge3 saan2 gwong1 I am -6.0 diaopters in both eyes plus and -1.7 astigmatism
如果你去私立醫院 jyu4 gwo2 nei5 heoi3 si1 laap6 ji1 jyun2 If you go to a private hospital
基本上有一年嘅免息分期付款 gei1 bun2 soeng6 jau5 jat1 nin4 ge3 min5 sik1 fan1 kei4 fu6 fun2 They offer 12-month, interest-free installment plan for this surgery.
去之前,我已經諗好做一萬蚊嘅手術 heoi3 zi1 cin4, ngo5 ji5 ging1 nam2 hou2 zou6 jat1 maan6 man1 ge3 sau2 seot6 Before I went, I had decided to do normal LASIK surgery at the price of 10k yuan
因為我冇錢喇! jan1 wai6 ngo5 mou5 cin2 laa3! Because I am poor!
但係佢話嗰個係特價嚟嘅,佢唔可以再畀免息分期畀我。 daan6 hai6 keoi5 waa6 go2 go3 hai6 dak6 gaa3 lai4 ge3, keoi5 m4 ho2 ji5 zoi3 bei2 min5 sik1 fan1 kei4 bei2 ngo5. But he said it was a special offer already, and he couldn’t offer me an interest-free installment plan any more with this surgery.
而醫生就推薦我做個性化嘅  ji4 ji1 sang1 zau6 teoi1 zin3 ngo5 zou6 go3 sing3 faa3 ge3 So the doctor recommended me to do the customized one
我家姐就係做個性化嘅 ngo5 gaa1 ze1 zau6 hai6 zou6 go3 sing3 faa3 ge3 My sister did the customized one
但係佢做完之後同我講,你根本就唔知道自己有冇個性化 daan6 hai6 keoi5 zou6 jyun4 zi1 hau6 tung4 ngo5 gong2, nei5 gan1 bun2 zau6 m4 zi1 dou6 zi6 gei2 jau5 mou5 go3 sing3 faa3 But when she’s done, she told me that people don’t even know if they are customized
所以唔好聽醫院立亂咁講 so2 ji5 m4 hou2 teng1  ji1 jyun2 lap6 lyun6 gam3 gong2 So don’t listen to the hospital’s sales talk
揀自己適合嘅同埋最平嘅就得喇! gaan2 zi6 gei2 sik1 hap6 ge3 tung4 maai4 zeoi3 peng6 ge3 zau6 dak1 laa3! Choose the suitable one and the cheapest one for yourself!
手術當日,佢仲會再檢查我對眼嘅視力 sau2 seot6 dong1 jat6, keoi5 zung6 wui5 zoi3 gim2 caa4 ngo5 deoi3 ngaan5 ge3 si6 lik6 On the day of the operation, he re-examined my eyesight
係咪同七日前嘅檢查一樣嘅 hai6 mai6 tung4 cat1 jat6 cin4 ge3 gim2 caa4 jat1 joeng6 ge3 to check if it is the same as the check-up seven days ago
之後帶我去換衫同量血壓 zi1 hau6 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 wun6 saam1 tung4 loeng4 hyut3 aat3 Then took me to change my clothes and took my blood pressure
   嗰日我嘅血壓好高呀!因為我好緊張喇!    go2 jat6 ngo5 ge3 hyut3 aat3 hou2 gou1 aa3! jan1 wai6 ngo5 hou2 gan2 zoeng1 laa3! My blood pressure was high that day since I was quite nervous
換好衫之後,就帶我哋入去洗眼 wun6 hou2 saam1 zi1 hau6, zau6 daai3 ngo5 dei6 jap6 heoi3 sai2 ngaan5 After changing clothes, they took me insides and wash my eyes
洗完眼之後,就會滴啲麻藥落去  sai2 jyun4 ngaan5 zi1 hau6, zau6 wui5 dik6 di1 maa4 joek6 lok6 heoi3  After washing my eyes, they droped some of the anesthetic in my eyes
(之後)入去訓低,其實我咁大個女係冇訓過手術臺 (zi1 hau6) jap6 heoi3 fan3 dai1, kei4 sat6 ngo5 gam3 daai6 go3 neoi5 hai6 mou5 fan3 gwo3 sau2 seot6 toi4 (After) getting it and I lying down, in fact, I am 20+ years old and I haven’t lie on the operation table
乜馨香咩 mat1 hing1 hoeng1 me1 Is it a good thing?
首先佢推咗我去左邊 sau2 sin1 keoi5 teoi1 zo2 ngo5 heoi3 zo2 bin1 First,he pushed me to the left
佢就叫我望住啲綠光 keoi5 zau6 giu3 ngo5 mong6 zyu6 di1 luk6 gwong1 He told me to stare at a green light
啲綠光係好特別架喎 di1 luk6 gwong1 hai6 hou2 dak6 bit6 gaa3 wo3 The green light is very special
你望住佢,佢慢慢靠近你,突然間唔見咗 nei5 mong6 zyu6 keoi5, keoi5 maan6 maan2 kaau3 gan6 nei5, dat6 jin4 gaan1 m4 gin3 zo2 I stare at it, it will slowly approaches you, and suddenly it’s gone
  醫生同我講,如果綠燈唔見咗,你唔好去搵佢   ji1 sang1 tung4 ngo5 gong2, jyu4 gwo2 luk6 dang1 m4 gin3 zo2, nei5 m4 hou2 heoi3 wan2 keoi5   The doctor told me, if the green light is gone, don’t go to him
因為佢部機已經固定係我哋嘅眼度架喇! jan1 wai6 keoi5 bou6 gei1 ji5 ging1 gu3 ding6 hai6 ngo5 dei6 ge3 ngaan5 dou6 gaa3 laa3! Because his machine is focused on in our eyes.
如果你好驚,你喺度搵支綠燈嘅話, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 hou2 geng1, nei5 hai2 dou6 wan2 zi1 luk6 dang1 ge3 waa6, If you are scared and looking for a green light,
其實你隻眼係喺度喐緊架喇! kei4 sat6 nei5 zek3 ngaan5 hai6 hai2 dou6 juk1 gan2 gaa3 laa3! actually, your eyes keep moving!
雖然喺手術之前, seoi1 jin4 hai2 sau2 seot6 zi1 cin4, Although before the operation,
佢哋已經畀咗呢個表我哋去練習 keoi5 dei6 ji5 ging1 bei2 zo2 ni1 go3 biu2 ngo5 dei6 heoi3 lin6 zaap6 they have given this chart for us to practice
呢個表同現實嘅係完全唔係一回事喇 ni1 go3 biu2 tung4 jin6 sat6 ge3 hai6 jyun4 cyun4 m4 hai6 jat1 wui4 si6 laa3 This chart is not the same thing as the reality
我當時係有啲驚嘅,綠燈消失嗰陣, ngo5 dong1 si4 hai6 jau5 di1 geng1 ge3, luk6 dang1 siu1 sat1 go2 zan6, I was a little scared, when the green light disappeared,
我係一直搵佢嘅 ngo5 hai6 jat1 zik6 wan2 keoi5 ge3 I’ve been looking for it
醫生話,唔係叫你做過測試喇咩, ji1 sang1 waa6 , m4 hai6 giu3 nei5 zou6 gwo3 cak1 si3 laa3 me1, Then the doctor said, haven’t you done the test before?
點解你仲係唔知點做架? dim2 gaai2 nei5 zung6 hai6 m4 zi1 dim2 zou6 gaa3? Why didn’t you know how to do?
後來,佢做埋另外一隻眼 hau6 loi4, keoi5 zou6 maai4 ling6 ngoi6 jat1 zek3 ngaan5 Later, he did operation on another eye
佢叫我合埋眼 keoi5 giu3 ngo5 hap6 maai4 ngaan5 He told me to close my eyes
我就話,做完架喇? ngo5 zau6 waa6, zou6 jyun4 gaa3 laa3? I asked:” are you done?”
醫生話,唔係,你 做完一半 ji1 sang1 waa6, m4 hai6, nei5  zou6 jyun4 jat1 bun3 The doctor said, “No, you just finished the half”
我唔知佢點做, ngo5 m4 zi1 keoi5 dim2 zou6, I don’t know how he did.
不過我覺得第一步係幫我哋鎅開塊膜 bat1 gwo3 ngo5 gok3 dak1 dai6 jat1 bou6 hai6 bong1 ngo5 dei6 gaai3 hoi1 faai3 mok6 But I think the first step is to slit  and open our cornea
跟住佢將我推到另外一邊 gan1 zyu6 keoi5 zoeng1 ngo5 teoi1 dou3  ling6 ngoi6 jat1 bin1 Then he pushed me to the other side
用嘅係另外一部機 jung6 ge3 hai6 ling6 ngoi6 jat1 bou6 gei1 He used another machine
咁佢用另外一部機嚟幫我哋激光架喇!  gam2 keoi5 jung6 ling6 ngoi6 jat1 bou6 gei1 lai4 bong1 ngo5 dei6 gik1 gwong1 gaa3 laa3! Then he’s using another machine to help us do the laser!
其實第二步係幫我哋激光嘅, kei4 sat6 dai6 ji6 bou6 hai6 bong1 ngo5 dei6 gik1 gwong1 ge3, Actually, the second step is to help us laser,
所以嗰支綠燈係會圍住你對眼喐 so2 ji5 go2 zi1 luk6 dang1 hai6  wui5 wai4 zyu6 nei5 deoi3 ngaan5 juk1 So that green light goes around your eyes
所以有時你有啲盲區,係睇唔到支綠燈嘅 so2 ji5 jau5 si4 nei5 jau5 di1 maang4 keoi1, hai6 tai2 m4 dou2 zi1 luk6 dang1 ge3 So sometimes you’re in a blind spot and you can’t see the green light
當時我好緊張,我問醫生 dong1 si4 ngo5 hou2 gan2 zoeng1, ngo5 man6 ji1 sang1 I was so nervous that I asked the doctor
死喇!如果我今日做唔到嘅話,點算呀? sei2 laa3! jyu4 gwo2 ngo5 gam1 jat6 zou6 m4 dou2 ge3 waa6, dim2 syun3 aa3? OMG! What if I can’t do it today?
醫生話,你今日做唔到,你就聽日過嚟喇! ji1 sang1 waa6 , nei5 gam1 jat6 zou6 m4 dou2, nei5 zau6 ting1 jat6 gwo3 lai4 laa3! The doctor said, if you can’t do it today, you need to come here tomorrow!
我心諗,我一定要今日做曬佢,我唔要嚟多次喇! ngo5 sam1 nam2, ngo5 jat1 ding6 jiu3 gam1 jat6 zou6 saai3 keoi5, ngo5 m4 jiu3 lai4 do1 ci3 laa3! I thought, I must finish it today, I don’t want to come here one more time!
醫生都係比較好嘅 ji1 sang1 dou1 hai6 bei2 gaau3 hou2 ge3 The doctor is good
佢知道我好緊張,佢就同我講 keoi5 zi1 dou6 ngo5 hou2 gan2 zoeng1, keoi5 zau6 tung4 ngo5 gong2 He knew I was nervous, and he told me
你放鬆啲喇!等陣會有啲風吹落嚟 nei5 fong3 sung1 di1 laa3! dang2 zan6  wui5 jau5 di1 fung1 ceoi1 lok6 lai4 “Relax! later it will blow some wind”
你就當洗頭就得架喇! nei5 zau6 dong3 sai2 tau4 zau6 dak1 gaa3 laa3! You just treat it as hair-washing!
我一直喺度震, ngo5 jat1 zik6 hai2 dou6 zan3, I’ve been shaking,
醫生就撳住我嘅頭,叫我放鬆啲 ji1 sang1 zau6 gam6 zyu6 ngo5 ge3 tau4, giu3 ngo5 fong3 sung1 di1 The doctor pressed my head and told me to relax
出咗嚟之後,基本上睇得清架喇! ceot1 zo2 lai4 zi1 hau6, gei1 bun2 soeng6 tai2 dak1 cing1 gaa3 laa3! After I coming out, basically see things clearly!
但係都唔算好清, daan6 hai6 dou1 m4 syun3 hou2 cing1, But it’s not very clear,
網上有好多朋友分享, mong5 soeng6 jau5 hou2 do1 pang4 jau5 fan1 hoeng2, There are a lot of friends on the Internet to share their experience
就話覺得突然間呢個世界清咗呀! zau6 waa6 gok3 dak1 dat6 jin4 gaan1 ni1 go3 sai3 gaai3 cing1 zo2 aa3! they said that it is like the world suddenly be clear
其實當時我冇佢哋咁大反應嘅 kei4 sat6 dong1 si4 ngo5 mou5 keoi5 dei6 gam3 daai6 faan2 jing3 ge3 Actually, I didn’t react as much as they did
因為平時戴隱形眼鏡已經有咁嘅感覺架喇 jan1 wai6 ping4 si4 daai3 jan2 jing4 ngaan5 geng2 ji5 ging1 jau5  gam2 ge3 gam2 gok3 gaa3 laa3 Because We have that feeling with contact lenses.
只不過嗰幾日感覺隻眼有啲㓤㓤哋 zi2 bat1 gwo3 go2 gei2 jat6 gam2 gok3 zek3 ngaan5 jau5 di1 gat1 gat1 dei2 But my eyes feel a stabbing pain those days
佢會持續差唔多一個星期,先會消失 keoi5 wui5 ci4 zuk6 caa1 m4 do1 jat1 go3 sing1 kei4, sin1  wui5 siu1 sat1 It’ll last almost a week before he disappears
手術之後基本上就係定期檢查 sau2 seot6 zi1 hau6 gei1 bun2 soeng6 zau6 hai6 ding6 kei4 gim2 caa4 After surgery,  it’s basically about some regular check-ups
去睇下你隻眼恢復成點 heoi3 tai2 haa5 nei5 zek3 ngaan5 fui1 fuk6 sing4 dim2 to see how much your eyes recover
手術完個第二日我做檢查,我對眼已經恢復到 sau2 seot6 jyun4 go3 dai6 ji6 jat6 ngo5 zou6 gim2 caa4, ngo5 deoi3 ngaan5 ji5 ging1 fui1 fuk6 dou3 I had a check-up the second day after the operation and my eyes have recovered to
左眼1.2 右眼1.0嘅 zo2 ngaan5 1.2  jau6 ngaan51.0 ge3 My right eye has 20/20 vision and my left eye has 24/20 vision
恢復得唔錯嘅 fui1 fuk6 dak1 m4 co3 ge3 It recovers quite well
之後就係滴眼藥水,滴好多眼藥水 zi1 hau6 zau6 hai6 dik6 ngaan5 joek6 seoi2, dik6 hou2 do1 ngaan5 joek6 seoi2 After that, it’s all about getting eye drops, a lot of eye drops
同埋你去戶外基本上要戴墨鏡/黑超 tung4 maai4 nei5 heoi3 wu6 ngoi6 gei1 bun2 soeng6 jiu3 daai3 mak6 geng3/ hak1 ciu1 And I have to wear sunglasses when I am outdoors
所以平時我喺陽台做運動,我都會戴我嘅墨鏡嘅 so2 ji5 ping4 si4 ngo5 hai2 joeng4 toi2 zou6 wan6 dung6, ngo5 dou1  wui5 daai3 ngo5 ge3 mak6 geng3 ge3 So I usually do sports on the balcony, and I wear my sunglasses
做完之後一個月唔可以食辣嘢 zou6 jyun4 zi1 hau6 jat1 go3 jyut6 m4 ho2 ji5 sik6 laat6 je5 I can’t eat spicy food for a month after I did the surgery
        簡直攞咗我條命喇!         gaan2 zik6 lo2 zo2 ngo5 tiu4 meng6 laa3!   It’s killing me!
所以你見我啲皮膚好咗,係因為, so2 ji5 nei5 gin3 ngo5 di1 pei4 fu1 hou2 zo2, hai6 jan1 wai6, So you see my skin is smooth because,
我成個月都冇食過辣嘢喇! ngo5 sing4 go3 jyut6 dou1 mou5 sik6 gwo3 laat6 je5 laa3! I haven’t eaten anything spicy the whole month!
同埋唔可以化妝嘅 tung4 maai4 m4 ho2 ji5 faa3 zong1 ge3 and I can’t make up
所以點解我咁少拍片就係因為咁喇!              so2 ji5 dim2 gaai2 ngo5 gam3 siu2 paak3 pin2 zau6 hai6 jan1 wai6 gam2 laa3! So that’s why I make few videos
可能大家等我嘅片會比較耐喇 ho2 nang4 daai6 gaa1 dang2 ngo5 ge3 pin2  wui5 bei2 gaau3 noi6 laa3 Maybe people will wait longer for my film
因為我每望電腦二十分鐘、三十分鐘, jan1 wai6 ngo5 mui5 mong6 din6 nou5 ji6 sap6 fan1 zung1, saam1 sap6 fan1 zung1, Because every twenty minutes, thirty minutes,
我就要出去望遠處休息下我對眼嘅 ngo5 zau6 jiu3 ceot1 heoi3 mong6 jyun5 cyu3 jau1 sik1 haa6 ngo5 deoi3 ngaan5 ge3 I have to go out to look at the distance to rest my eyes
希望大家畀多啲時間我對眼,繼續支持我啦! hei1 mong6 daai6 gaa1 bei2 do1 di1 si4 gaan3 ngo5 deoi3 ngaan5, gai3 zuk6 zi1 ci4 ngo5 laa1! I hope you can give me a little more time for my eyes and continue to support me!
不過嘢係一定要做嘅 bat1 gwo3 je5 hai6 jat1 ding6 jiu3 zou6 ge3 But I still have to work
             所以如果大家唔想我食西北風嘅話,記得聯繫我              so2 ji5 jyu4 gwo2 daai6 gaa1 m4 soeng2 ngo5 sik6 sai1 bak1 fung1 ge3 waa6, gei3 dak1 lyun4 hai6 ngo5  So if you don’t want me to eat northwest wind, remember to contact me if you need
今日嘅分享唔係要大家一定要做呢個手術 gam1 jat6 ge3 fan1 hoeng2 m4 hai6 jiu3 daai6 gaa1 jat1 ding6 jiu3 zou6 ni1 go3 sau2 seot6 I share this surgery not to tell you to do this surgery
近視嘅朋友又好,冇近視嘅朋友都好, gan6 si6 ge3 pang4 jau5 jau6 hou2, mou5 gan6 si6 ge3 pang4 jau5 dou1 hou2, Whether you are nearsighted or not,
希望大家可以注意用眼 hei1 mong6 daai6 gaa1 ho2 ji5 zyu3 ji3 jung6 ngaan5 I hope you can pay attention to your eyes
唔好成日玩手機 m4 hou2 sing4 jat6 waan2sau2 gei1 Don’t always play with your cell phone
唔好成日掛住做嘢唔休息我哋對眼喇! m4 hou2 sing4 jat6 gwaa3 zyu6 zou6 je5 m4 jau1 sik1 ngo5 dei6 deoi3 ngaan5 laa3! Don’t always keep working without resting our eyes!
出去出面行嗰陣,記得戴墨鏡喇!            ceot1 heoi3  haang4  go2 zan6, gei3 dak1 daai3 mak6 geng3 laa3!            Remember to wear sunglasses when you go out!
因為強光都會影響我哋對眼架 jan1 wai6 koeng4 gwong1 dou1 wui5 jing2 hoeng2 ngo5 dei6 deoi3 ngaan5 gaa3 Because bright light can also affect our eye
             同埋近視嘅朋友我建議都係少啲戴隱形眼鏡喇!              tung4 maai4 gan6 si6 ge3 pang4 jau5 ngo5 gin3 ji5 dou1 hai6 siu2 di1 daai3 jan2 jing4 ngaan5 geng2 laa3! And for near-sighted friends, I suggest you wear less contact lenses!
如果你冇諗住咗呢個手術嘅話, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 mou5 nam2 zyu6 zo2 ni1 go3 sau2 seot6 ge3 waa6, if you don’t think about doing the surgery,
如果你想了解更多呢個手術嘅話, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 soeng2 liu5 gaai2 gang1 do1 ni1 go3 sau2 seot6 ge3 waa6, If you want to know more about this surgery,
你都可以同我傾計架! nei5 dou1 ho2 ji5 tung4 ngo5 king1 gai2 gaa3! You can chat with me!
多謝一路以嚟關心我嘅朋友喇! do1 ze6 jat1 lou6 ji5 lai4 gwaan1 sam1 ngo5 ge3 pang4 jau5 laa3! Thank you for your caring all the way!
同埋體諒我嘅學生嘅。 tung4 maai4 tai2 loeng6 ngo5 ge3 hok6 saang1 ge3. and those students who considerate and understand me.
咁我哋下次再見喇! gam2 ngo5 dei6 haa6 ci3 zoi3 gin3 laa3! see you next time!
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